
We strive to ensure our valued employees enjoy a long and rewarding career with us. We are dedicated to equipping them with the means to be at the forefront of the industry, and the tools to achieve their professional goals.

Career Opportunities

ENEC opportunities

At ENEC, we recognize the importance of investing in our people. We offer excellent professional development opportunities, competitive packages, a flexible time policy, and a supportive work environment.  

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Nawah opportunities

Our employees hail from all walks of life, representing a range of different backgrounds, age groups and experiences, with our workforce reflecting the UAE’s multi-cultural environment and the scale of this world-class program.

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The purpose of Talent Pipeline Programs is to support the creation and development of a sustainable pool of competent UAE Nationals in the nuclear industry to be nuclear professionals with the right core and technical skills.

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Internship Program

Through the Internship Program UAE Nationals have an opportunity to gain experience to pursue a range of careers across the country’s emerging nuclear energy industry and play a part in operating the region’s first nuclear energy plant. Each applicant is required to register online and complete all screening examinations, interviews and required assessments to ensure eligibility.

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Women in Nuclear

We firmly believe in the fundamental role that women play in the success of the UAE Peaceful Nuclear Energy Program and we actively encourage women to contribute to the continued development of the UAE. Currently, women represent over 20% of workforce, and add value across all areas of the organization.


Current Job Openings

If you’re an experienced professional looking for a new challenge

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