Career at ENEC

Career at ENEC

The Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC) was established by decree in December 2009 by His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Since our inception, we have been working to deliver safe, clean, reliable and efficient nuclear energy to the nation.

ENEC is responsible for the implementation of the UAE Peaceful Nuclear Energy Program, including:

  • The design, construction and ownership of the UAE’s first nuclear energy plant.
  • Working closely with the Abu Dhabi and Federal governments to ensure that the peaceful nuclear energy program is aligned with       the industrial infrastructure plans of the UAE.
  • Developing the human resource capacity for the nuclear energy program in coordination with the educational sector in the UAE.
  • Effectively engaging with the UAE community to ensure a high level of awareness and understanding about the program and the role of nuclear energy in the nation’s energy portfolio.

ENEC also serves as the investment arm of the Government of Abu Dhabi, making strategic investments in the nuclear sector, both domestically and internationally.

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